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Zoning Ordinance

Blue Lake Township has enacted a Zoning Ordinance which helps control construction of buildings in the area. If you are planning to build a garage, add on to you home, add a deck, or any other type of construction please contact our Zoning Administrator for the proper permits and rules.

If your home is on the water a Greenbelt ordinance (which is part of our Zoning Ordinance) limits what can be done on the strip of land measuring 25 feet from the high water line. This natural greenbelt buffer zone is set up to help prevent material from entering the lake. Trees, shrubs and native vegetation should be located in this area to protect the bank from eroding. Except for removable docks and the removal of selected trees with a permit, construction of any type is not permitted in this area. Lawns down to the shoreline are not recommended because excess rainwater can drain directly into the lake.

To the Right is a PDF file of the Zoning Ordinance updated in December 2024 including all previous amendments.  The Table of Contents of the document can lead you to the section you need.